Tuesday, May 15, 2012

54 Cent Make-over

We have been busy.  The counter top issue has been resolved.  They replaced the broken piece with a new one.  We've been working outside on the landscaping quite a lot, and I have re-organized and cleaned out our pantry.  It's not 100% completed yet, so I'll wait until I finish to share pictures.  I did also manage a nice $0.54 make-over that I am willing to share now!

My mom got me some potted plants last year, and they came in your standard plastic containers painted a faux terra cotta orange.
I had been wanting to do something with them for a while, so when I found a paint sample in the mis-tint section for only $0.50 I knew that it would be the perfect color for sprucing these up.
I cleaned the pots, painted them, and I am very happy with the results!
Here's the side by side after one coat:
I am very pleased with them, now I just have to find the perfect plants to put in them.

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